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Article: Biking, Climbing and Shooting White Rim Trail with Will Saunders

Biking, Climbing and Shooting White Rim Trail with Will Saunders

Biking, Climbing and Shooting White Rim Trail with Will Saunders

Will Saunders is an amazing photographer and a part of our Topo Designs Ambassador Team. When he pitched the idea of a local, multi-sport excursion in his home state of Utah, we couldn't pass up being a part of it.

How did you come up with the idea for this trip?

This trip was inspired by my friends and the things they love to do. I surround myself with incredibly talented people who inspire me every day. Living in Utah means we have access to some of the best climbing in the world. I've been dying to plan a trip where we go ride motorcycles around the desert to go climbing. A local multi-sport adventure. So I called up all my friends who climb and ride, we came up with a plan, and then we spent four days seeing what the desert had to offer.

Favorite part of the trip?

My favorite part of the trip was… well, there were lots of favorite parts. For me, these shoots are all about bringing people I love to places I love and sharing some moments together. Whether it's climbing, riding, the down times in between, or finishing the bottle of whiskey. It's not one favorite part, it's the whole trip.

Most challenging part?

The most challenging part of the trip was the weather. We went to the desert during a time that it's usually too cold and wet. We watched the forecast for weeks leading up to the shoot and decided to go for it. We got rain one day and decided to just shoot the motos all day because you can't climb in the desert when it's wet. The sand stone gets weak and if you climb on it you can damage the rock. Everyone on the shoot had to be flexible.

What are 3 things you always have with you when you travel for a shoot?

When I travel for a shoot, I always bring chapstick, headphones and an old camcorder. I'm working on a home video!

Any other trips coming up that you're looking forward to?

I am heading to Indonesia for a surf trip in April. So, so, so excited to go!

Find some of Will's amazing work on Instagram at @willsaundersphoto.

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