Moab, Utah - Rules of Desert Camping

Natalie Roth of Huckleberry Roasters and Topo's own Josh Deiss share their wisdom: We love the Rocky Mountains and the endless exploring that Colorado gives us, but a little change of scenery is always exciting.
Moab, Utah.
Quite frankly one of the most fascinating and wondrous places to spend a weekend--the arches, the canyons, the watering holes, the Colorado River, and all of that open space. It’s only a short 6 hour drive from Denver, CO, so we decided to make a weekend of it. Three days in Moab didn’t feel like enough, so a return trip will be necessary.
We camped each night and went without a plan, for the most part. There’s a few “rules” we came up with along the way, which became an impromptu series that can ultimately sum up our trip.
Rule #1: Never pay for wood. We strapped some wood up top that we happened upon at a few rest stops along the way.
Rule #2: Never pay for camping. There are just way too many beautiful places to camp and there’s no need to be paying for a campsite. The first night we stayed above Canyonlands near Dead Horse Point ( . The next day we made our way to Castleton Point (LOCATION TAG: ) and tied our Kammoks to a couple trees with a view that words don’t do justice.
Rule #3: Take a chance. In Moab, this is in relation to things like: climbing up some insane rocks in 100 degree weather but eventually finding an oasis of shade beneath an arch hovering over us by hundreds of feet--all to ourselves.
Rule #4: Camp coffee always tastes the best. Seriously, nothing is better. We, of course, brought Huckleberry Roasters who are neighbors to the Topo Designs Flagship.
Rule #5: Explore the unknown. On our return trip, we stumbled upon Cisco, Utah. We found some magazines from the 1930’s that made for some interesting car reads.
Rule #6: S’mores. You just have to.